Sunday, May 15, 2011

Funeral Sermon

Psalm 23
Philippians 4: 8-9
Psalm 24

It is the little things that make life memorable. How do we celebrate a life when we are grieving for the passing of that very life? We think about what Gerald has brought into our lives and we celebrate a man who for 77 years was a rock to those he cared about. Gerald was the kind of person we all hope to be, one that cared about his family, his country, and his church.

We mourn the passing of such a person because it is like a light has gone out of this world. The passage in Philippians tells us to pay attention to those people who are true and noble, those people who have a pureness of heart and an admirable soul – these are all things that Gerald possessed.

He was a loving husband, father, and grandfather - one who quietly did the things that needed to be done and took pleasure in the simplest of things. Sitting and watching the birds in the garden or walking through the woods and telling everyone he was hunting when really he was communing with nature and God. He was a man who enjoyed experiencing the gifts that God has given to us and he did so by traveling to all 50 states to see and participate in all manner of life. He was a man who seemed to have no regrets when he talked about his life, but remembered everything with peace and joy.

It is no wonder that we will all miss Gerald. Knowing such a person is rare and he can never be replaced or forgotten. But we are here to not only to mourn for our loss, but also to celebrate that Gerald is now with God. In the 23rd Psalm we are reminded that in life there is a lot of pain and hardship which Gerald certainly knew a lot about, and it also reminds us that if we are faithful God will share his love and goodness with us into eternity. Gerald understood this which is perhaps why he so often requested having this passage read when he was sick in the hospital. Gerald looked forward to dwelling in the house of the Lord forever.

Even as we shed tears of sorrow, it is important that we recognize that Gerald is not gone. He resides with our Lord Jesus and one day we will see him again at the resurrection of the body. Psalm 24 that we read tells us that the earth and its entire people are the Lord’s and because we belong to Jesus Christ, the one who’s very blood was given for us, because of him we are given the gift of eternal life. The Psalm asks “Who may ascend the mountain of the Lord and stand in his holy place?” It then tells us those who have clean hands and a pure heart, the one who does not worship false idols. Gerald, who loved his family and his friends, who went into the Navy and fought for his country, who was a dedicated Christians his whole life – Gerald will ascend the mountain of the Lord and stand in that holy place.

We are also given that reassurance. All those of us who seek the Lord’s face, all of you who love your neighbor and give thanks to God will also be able to ascend that holy mountain and stand in God’s presence. All of us who love our Lord Jesus Christ will know his saving grace. We will be redeemed so that when we stand at the foot of God’s throne on judgment day we will have not one worry or care – because Jesus will be our champion. Jesus, who is the King of Glory, the one who is Lord Almighty stands at our side, he stands now at Gerald’s side – and we know that we will be okay and that Gerald will be okay.

Take comfort in that assurance. The Lord loves each of you and welcomes you with open arms. On the day of the bodily resurrection, Gerald will be waiting for us and we will see him again. Take this time to grieve and miss a man who had a good heart and was a steady rock to those who knew him. But then, let your sorrow go so that you may give thanks that you will see Gerald again and that he is safe and at peace with his Lord.


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